franny max

Monday, September 25, 2006

Just Muggin!

Enjoing the Last Days of Summer Together

Ha! Look who's drivin' whom now, Dada!

My "Nature Bracelet"

Here's What I Did Today:

Made cookies...

Looked guilty...

and posed w/ Sissy

Rebel Napper Strikes Again!

Frances sleeps...

Check it out!

Brown vs. The Board of Education

Look--the same--but different. Seperate, but equal--(that's for sure as long as I'm in charge...)

Again with the matching?

Our Aunt Kat and Uncle Lenny Come a Courtin' (hmmm-ummm)

A special "lunch date" with Aunt Kat


Uncle Lenny is helping me feed the ducks.

Love those "Quack, Quacks!"