franny max

Friday, February 10, 2006

I'm a model, you know what I mean....

I think it's gonna be a little too big for now, Mom.

For now it looks better folded up.

Another Holiday Photo Shoot


...and kisses...

Happy Valentine's Day!

And remember: sharing is caring

A Chuck E. Cheese Adventure

I told you, I'm driving this time!

Time for some fun!


Now that's a woman in charge!

Fun Bus now boarding!

A Wintry's Day Discovery

Just swinging in the park--one of my favorite past times--and look what we saw...

This is so sad!

More Bathtime Antics

Bathtime rocks!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My favorite readin' spot is...well, anywhere! today it's right by the 'fridge and anywhere else mom wants to step. She says "underfoot", I say "conveniently available"!

Another Trip to the Kohl Children Museum

Some people march to the beat of their own drummer!

It's double coupon day!

BOGO on ice cream! Cool!

I'm catching some fish with my net!

I definitely got into something that I shouldn't have...

We're a family that loves to read!