franny max

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I'm helping mom reorganize these books. Boy, does she need help!

You know what they say..."it's always messier before it's cleaner." Believe me, this hurts me more than it does you.

Belly Buckers

Wanna know why this is so comfy?

Perfect match.

Check out this stealthy move.

My daddy thinks we're sharing a moment. He has no idea what I have up my sleeve...

Ha! Got 'im with "The Deadly Tongue Twister" trick. Learned it from the Toddler School Kung Fu Masters.

but you can't stay mad at me. it's literally impossible.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

and they're all mine

rub a dub dub...

i love a good swing. and spoon.