franny max

Monday, February 28, 2005

"The Gates" in Central Park

Me, mommy and the "saffron" gates--do they look like shower curtains to you, too?

Arent' they pretty?

A nice afternoon in the Park.

It's my first "Big-Tub" bath! Yay for Franny!

Rubber ducky, you're the one!

They don't call me "cheekers" for nuthin'!

It's circus time!

Can you believe how cute I am?!

I'm learning the fundamentals of knitting. First you unravel the yarn...then you chew on it...

It's kinda tight. mom!

Pay no attention to the crazy lady behind me.

You think I'm gonna eat that, don't 'cha!

These peas look better than they taste!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Valentine's Photo Shoot

Did you know that contruction paper is delicious? Hearty bouquet and nice finish.


Eat your hearts out...

Are you looking at me?

This is the keeper. She choo, choo, chooses you, Valentine!

Friday, February 04, 2005

I'm plotting my escape...

Hail the conquering hero!

mom got us a christmas tree. I think Dad got the hard part here.


Papa's teaching me how to play the harmonica.

Thanks Uncle Tony!

Who can resist me?

Lambchop? Who's Lambchop?

Are you serious? These are all for me?

I just can't take the pressure of all these gifts! It't too much paper, too many boxes, too many tags. I just don't have time to taste them all!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

I'm a true New Yorker now. I just need a cup of "cwaffee and a schmeer."

All bundled up, but no place to go...

Of all the fancy-schmnancy toys I have, this one is defintely the best!

Ahhhhhh....Christmas pretty...

This is my fancy exer-saucer. Thank you Memsie and Papa!

This is the funnest game!

I'm learning how to stand and how to bat at my mobile. Great way to pass the post-napping time!


Daddy, why are we standing out here? It's cold! Remember, this is my first snowstorm!

Hello up there!

I love my papa!

Mom said she wishes this picture came with audio, because I'm making the funniest tortoise noises!

To slobber, or not to slobber. That is the question.

I love my Memsie!

Attention everyone: I'm the cutest Santa!