They Say it's Your (Belated) Birthday!!
Well, it's a good thing for Aunt Kat and Uncle Lenny ("Unca Yenny"). You see, mom neglected to take pictures of my birthday party--a very momentous occasion, I might add. It was a great party-- 7 guests and their Mamas. At the Buffalo Grove Spray and Play. There were Elmo cupcakes. There were personalized party favors. It was super fun and full of photo-snapping opportunities. Have I mentioned that a little girl only turns 3 once in her life? Well, she does.
So, as I've mentioned, it's a good thing for Aunt Kat and Uncle Lenny. You see, they sent me a wonderful birthday package, and the key was that it arrived post birthday craziness. There was a much better adult:child ratio. Pictures were taken. Birthday glory was extended. You guys saved the day.
By the way--the puppies have created quite a stir 'round here. They are often seen lined up in different parts of the apartment. Perfect size to fit in a purse and/or crook of the arm/Dada's shoes/food pantry/under get the idea.
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